by celebfan2709 » Fri Aug 30, 2019 2:23 am
Yesterday, I mailed an autograph request to Canadian voice actress, Cathy Weseluck, the voice of Spike the Dragon in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm surprised that nobody on Fanmail has ever tried for her before and I hope I'll be successful in being the first. I put $5 in Canadian money in my request for Cathy to pay postage and I hope it will work because I live in the USA and the US postal service no longer sells International Reply Coupons (IRCs).
Yesterday, I mailed an autograph request to Canadian voice actress, Cathy Weseluck, the voice of Spike the Dragon in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm surprised that nobody on Fanmail has ever tried for her before and I hope I'll be successful in being the first. I put $5 in Canadian money in my request for Cathy to pay postage and I hope it will work because I live in the USA and the US postal service no longer sells International Reply Coupons (IRCs).