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Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:50 am
by kaitmaree
Address Used:
PO Box 6509
Louisville, KY
40206, USA

Sent: Mid-February 2012, one fan letter, DVD cover
Received: March 22nd 2012, DVD cover signed (I believe sec)



Saw this envelope arrived and secretly hoped it was my Amandla response...nope. More upset over this than I should be just because I (foolishly) wasted a perfectly good DVD cover of a movie I love. Should have read the forums more thoroughly prior. Guess that's the risk we take. Big fan of Jen so I won't give up and will try VV or when she's more likely to be in KY.

(Oh and I saw the Hunger Games movie at midnight last night and it was amazing.)

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:57 am
by admin
Hi kaitmaree :)

Thank you for your feedback {up} Great Success :P

You have been added to the list for the $10 gift certificate.

{star} Jennifer Lawrence on | Previous Feedback(s) Received

Fanmail 8)

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:23 pm
by iLoveHungerGames
Hi, I'm a huge JL fan and I've been looking for her address for ages! Just wondering, is his legit? It doesn't look like the ones online. If not, can we get her legit address?

All the best, Harry (: {up}

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:17 pm
by kaitmaree
iLoveHungerGames wrote:Hi, I'm a huge JL fan and I've been looking for her address for ages! Just wondering, is his legit? It doesn't look like the ones online. If not, can we get her legit address?

All the best, Harry (: {up}
The address is legitimate, it's listed through her official website and has had authentic successes before. However, lately the responses have been secretarial (including this one), because Jennifer herself has not been in Kentucky where the letters are being sent.

Your best hope is to wait until she's back in KY or hope for a VV address.

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:03 am
by iLoveHungerGames
kaitmaree wrote:
iLoveHungerGames wrote:Hi, I'm a huge JL fan and I've been looking for her address for ages! Just wondering, is his legit? It doesn't look like the ones online. If not, can we get her legit address?

All the best, Harry (: {up}
The address is legitimate, it's listed through her official website and has had authentic successes before. However, lately the responses have been secretarial (including this one), because Jennifer herself has not been in Kentucky where the letters are being sent.

Your best hope is to wait until she's back in KY or hope for a VV address.
Thanks so much; I thought as much. Although it's unclear as to when JL will actually return home so I'm really still pondering as to when I should actually send it! I won't capitulate though!
Thanks Harry (:

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:07 pm
by Kirstie
I sent mine around Christmas time (when she is likely to be with her family) and everyone generally agreed that mine was authentic :)

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:58 am
by pj313
I don't think she will ever sign again ttm. I am waiting for the official Hunger Games cards to come out or maybe she will go to a convention sometime soon.

Re: Jennifer Lawrence "success" (sec)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:07 am
by il0veseamushp
pj313 wrote:I don't think she will ever sign again ttm. I am waiting for the official Hunger Games cards to come out or maybe she will go to a convention sometime soon.
i agree .. i think at this point id be happy with even a pre-print from her ... or pay whatever she charges at a convention if she goes..