My talk ended? Kid, you're the one that made the 'alligator mouth and hummingbird ass' remark and started acting like a bad ass when I simply said that with all your connections at the Penny Saver that I still got the information about who was appearing at the baseball games weeks ahead of you, or do I need to drag that off of Facebook to refresh your memory? Also, I'm not the one that got on the phone with one of the guys in the group asking how big you were and if you looked tough.CubsFanKEC1982 wrote: You talking like a big man dropped like a sack of turd when you were faced with me in person.
Try me with all the gibberish you're saying online next time around to my face.
It would be a great honor for me to break your toy carrying crate or to see you fall over it again.
Seriously? The VIP party? All we did at the door was tell the girl we'd been invited by Val and she allowed us in. So much for paying $1,000 for VIP treatment.
And if you recall correctly, I told you all and the others in the group can back me up on this that we'd miss way better talent by going to that because it was going to be midcarders that we'd seen earlier in the day.
And who did we miss? Rob Van Dam for starters and Eric Young, who was on the card but didn't show for Interaction and a handful of others.
But hey, you got Chris Harris. So, it's not a total loss. Glad you packed those cards.
As for Joe.. Wow, a worker gave me the business because I had a photo of a Samoa Joe action figure with a ripped body on it on my phone and pointed out the fact that the body was wrong for the head. This isn't 1975. I was in no danger of being shot on. Glad I could entertain the room full of 40-year-old virgins.
Whooptie-freaking-do. If it gave you the jollies, good. Wish you could've videoed it. It would've been a great souvenir for me from the weekend.
And that essentially is the end of it from me in regards to you. I'm not gonna waste anymore time of the good people on here.
It's evident. I don't like you. You don't like me.
I didn't say a word to you there at the airport because I wanted nothing to do with your ass, had nothing to do with intimidation one bit and if you think it was then you're dead wrong, jack. I didn't make a threat to follow through on, you made one and failed to follow up so take your Internet tough guy routine and shove it up your ass or try it on someone who is intimidated by you.
Guarantee without Val comig out to get you guys that without someone that was on the list none of us would have been allowed in there, and you had your own vehicle bro, if you wanted to stay at the airport and didn't then it's no one's fault but your own. You missed Eric Young and RVD, I got Van Dam after the show on Sunday so it was no loss to me.
Worker had you pale faced as if you saw a ghost and had you speakin soft because no one took up for you when Joe stood their muggin on you. Wouldn't be surprised if you sent your wife up to Joe in the airport. The p!ss streak down your leg if he remembered you would make for an embarrassing photo op.