Is this real?

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Unread post by nameci »

Not being funny but a C.O.A doesn't mean squat. I know people who have sold autographs on ebay which they have bought themselves but to help it sell have said it comes with a COA which they have just made up using MSworks.
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Unread post by rpbluesman »

I agree with "nameci" and "IrishMaz". A C.O.A doesn't mean anything. Anybody can just print one off of their computer. I don't like buying autographs from ANYONE, unless I really trust that person. Even when you get an autgraph through the mail, there is no gaurentee that the person really signed it. The best way to make sure that any autograph is real; is to get it yourself. Does that mean that your autograph isn't real, of course not.

My opinion of you autograph is: It looks real enough for my collection :lol:

Hope this helps,

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Unread post by IrishMaz »

Well said rpbluesman
Where is Leigh gone?! :(
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Unread post by celebrityfan »

I agree with everything people have said, but maybe he was in a rush to get through signing autos and just signed it quickly with 'orlando'.

Just a suggestion, but it could may well be.
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Unread post by Ashley364 »

I don't really know. Any auto could be fake, celebrities who are really busy could easily let them sign by someone else. It's just reality...
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Unread post by Becksibee »

Any auto could be fake, celebrities who are really busy could easily let them sign by someone else. It's just reality...
I have to agree, the only way you no a auto is real for deffo is if you get in signed in person. Apart from that it could be real or it could be fake. i bought my Dads celine dion off ebay it looks real and going by others it looks real but it may not be. Who knows?
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Unread post by Smudge »

Anyone could just sit at home forging their own celebrity autographs and say they got them in person and then sell them on something like ebay for big £££'s/$$$'s!

The true fact is that no-one will ever no whether an autograph is fake or not! :cry:
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